Welcome to Season Two!

Communications Czar Podcast

A podcast for introverts who hate speaking up at work -- but know they need to!

Success in today’s workplace depends on your ability to communicate in a manner that connects, commands attention and compels others to act on your ideas.

Seasoned Communications Pro and obsessive communicator, Roseann Galvan, developed the Communications Czar Podcast to give you actionable information, thought-provoking insights, and creative approaches to your most pressing workplace communications challenges.

If you want to learn how to communicate with confidence, present yourself and your ideas, and command the attention that you deserve, this is the show for you!

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Recent Episodes

Oct. 12, 2021

Bringing Your Authentic Self to Work

Interview with Linda Basso, Author of The Authentic Marketer
Sept. 14, 2021

Are You Being Who You Actually Are?

Finding Your Purpose with Joey Chandler
Aug. 31, 2021

Fearless Presentations

With The Fearless Millennial Speaking Coach Tiffany Foote
Aug. 24, 2021

Speak With No Fear Author Mike Acker

How to Go From a Nervous, Nauseated and Sweaty Speaker to an Excited, Energized, and Passionate Presenter
Aug. 12, 2021

How to Speak and Lead with Cojones with Keith Fraser

Stop trying to fit in to the mold that the world is forcing upon you. Speak up and speak out. Express yourself, your thoughts, ideas, and convictions, and, in turn, you will give others permission to do the same.  Find out more in Keith Fraser's...
Aug. 3, 2021

The Power to Speak Naked With Tyler Foley

Tyler Foley has been acting on stage and screen since he was 6 years old. Over the years he has learned exactly what it takes to connect with an audience, reframe self-doubts when speaking to groups, regain focus and composure and compel an audience...